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for those of us who call strait jackets a fashion statement

"Mad, adj.: Affected with a high degree of intellectual independence; not conforming to the standards of thought, speech and action derived by the conforments from study of themselves; at odds with the majority; in short, unusual."
-Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

'autumn cannibalism' by salvador dali

Welcome to the Sanctuary, the playground for the mad. Why you're here is a mystery to me, but is perhaps no coincidence. Whatever you could have been searching for to come across this is most likely here if you look at it right. You see, when you're mad you're thoughts fly free and your mind wanders. Of course, unless you happen to have a butterfly net on hand, getting them back is a pain. But they have to stop somewhere. That place is here.

Most people don't understand this introduction, but then again we're the author and we're not most people. They say that we never answer anything directly. The truth is, we always answer directly, and it's just that people aren't always listening correctly. Most people listen and never hear. If you're not lost yet, then you've found what you've been looking for. As a matter of fact, you're home...

The Numerous Excuses
Even though most things don't have a purpose weather they claim to or not, the Sanctuary does, which isn't really a purpose because it's an excuse for our behavior and there aren't really numerous because there's only one.
No One Figures This Out On Their Own
The fact that these are frequently asked questions (FAQ) means that the guards at mental hospitals own computers and were distracted long enough for the patients to use them.
Thought Asylum Escapees
The landing strip for wandering thoughts. The vault for opinions on very pressing, contemporary issues, such as the quest to save the South American Albino Flea, and why Marilyn Manson and Oliver Stone are not trying to subliminally take over the world.
Garden of Broken Thoughts
The great thing about lunatics is that they never shut up. This is the playground for the imaginative, and the garden for the dreamers. And by no coincidence, all the swings have screws loose.
Beyond the Walls
If you've ever tuned into cable access television, then you know the internet isn't the only place where twisted minds reside, although it is the cheapest.
And We're Not the Only Ones
There are more of us out there, although most are not allowed to walk the streets without heavy degrees of supervision. This would explain why they all operate computers so well.
'the son of man' by rené magritte

We don't have a guestbook, so please feel free to e-mail us and tell us why you love us, why you hate us, or why the light fixtures have been talking to you ever since your visit. Meet the men and women who were foolish enough to let us into their webrings, or those who went so far as to give us awards.

'the lovers' by unknown

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