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for all our fans in the dangerous criminals ward
"The world is so full of simpletons and madmen, that one need not seek them in a madhouse."
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

'sleep' by salvador dali
They're everywhere. See that Hari Krishna in the leather jacket? He's one. See the man with the sign that on the front reads "End of the World Coming" and on the back says "Eat at Momma's Diner"? He's one. See the man in the sports jacket and tie who claims he has never been in a state of madness, nor has he ever met someone who is? He's definetly one of them. Madmen are everywhere. Raving lunatics hiding behind every corner. And what's worse is they all own internet space...

MADNESS: Madness fresh grown from only the most mentally unstable individuals who have taken a hack at writing HTML. Which is just about all of them. Now in several designer neon colors. Collect them all.

Title: tHe mAlkAvIaN mAdnEsS NeTwoRk wEbRinG
URL: http://neitherland.com/mmn/index.html
E-Mail: MadnessGurus@neitherland.com

Title: The Land of Never
URL: http://members.xoom.com/_XOOM/zyphryus/index.html
E-Mail: zyphryus@hotmail.com

Title: The Malkavian Websight
URL: http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~alik/index.html
E-Mail: None

Title: Kook of the Month
URL: http://www.wetware.com/mlegare/kotm/
E-Mail: None

Title: Raves and Rants
URL: http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/5372/writings.html
E-Mail: apower@uot02.utoledo.edu

Title: Cult of the Dead Cow
URL: http://www.cultdeadcow.com
E-Mail: veggie@cultdeadcow.com

Title: Clan Malkavian
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Realm/6197/index2.htm
E-Mail: Not yet

Title: The Kooks Musem
URL: http://www.teleport.com/~dkossy/kooksmus.html
E-Mail: alik.widge@dartmouth.edu

Title: Modest Proposals - Toast Your Marshmellows on the Hellfire of My Wrath
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Crete/8750/index.html
E-Mail: modestproposals@yahoo.com

Title: Freaks and Weirdness!
URL: https://members.tripod.com/~Femmefreud/freakandweirdnessindex2.html
E-Mail: femmefreud@hotmail.com

Title: tHe mAlkAvIaN mAdnEsS NeTwoRk wEbRinG
URL: http://neitherland.com/mmn/index.html
E-Mail: MadnessGurus@neitherland.com

Title: The Garden of Earthy Desires
URL: http://www15.brinkster.com/daeva/
E-Mail: daeva@angelfire.com

Title: The Misanthropic Bitch
URL: http://bitch.shutdown.com/
E-Mail: None

Title: The Onion Online
URL: http://www.theonion.com
E-Mail: None

Title: Newgrounds - The Problems the Future, Today!
URL: http://www.newgrounds.com
E-Mail: None

PARANOIA: If it weren't for paranoia, what underdogs would find out the truth for us? A breed of madmen that deserve their own category. Beware though. Even though they're paranoid, they still have enimies. And always keep in mind the fact that THEY are watching you...

Title: |d|i|s|i|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n|
URL: http://www.disinfo.com/
E-Mail: comments@disinfo.com

Title: Page of Paranoia
URL: http://songweaver.com/paranoia.html
E-Mail: help@anon.petnet.fi

Title: Free Press International
URL: http://realtime.net/~dream/index9.html
E-Mail: dream@bga.com

Title: Paranoid Delusions?
URL: https://www.angelfire.com/pa/nocnista/page2.html
E-Mail: deathgirl@rocketmail.com

Title: Bert is Evil Websight
URL: http://bert.isfun.net/
E-Mail: None

Title: The Black Vault
E-Mail: greeny@primenet.com

BIZZARE: Anyone who's been through it knows that life is an infinite parade of oddities, and endless hall of sideshows. And it is this weird aspect of the world that makes life worth living. And the least we can contribute to the bizzare men and women on the net is to link our page to theirs.

Title: The Jim Rose Circus
URL: http://www.ambient.on.ca/jimrose/
E-Mail: None

Title: The Torture King
URL: http://www.interacme.com/torture/html/home.html
E-Mail: ZamoraKing@aol.com

Title: Ode to Bat Boy
URL: http://walden.mo.net/~waxler/batb.htm
E-Mail: Waxler@mo.net

Title: Clowns are Evil Incarnate: The Anti-Clown Sight
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/2430/clown.html
E-Mail: jeremy_peyer@hotmail.com

Title: Oddities - The Sideshow of the Web
URL: http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/5372/home.html
E-Mail: apower@uoft02.utoledo.edu

Title: Asylum Exit
URL: http://www.ashtons.demon.co.uk/newvis.html
E-Mail: None

Title: PythOnline (The Monty Python Webpage)
URL: http://www.pythonline.com/
E-Mail: None

Title: Weird Links
URL: http://www.weirdlinks.com
E-Mail: None

Title: Too Much Coffe Man's Official Website
URL: http://www.tmcm.com/
E-Mail: website@tmcm.com

Title: NormalBobSmith.com
URL: http://www.normalbobsmith.com/
E-Mail: bob@normalbobsmith.com

INSANITY: Although some of us have overcome this, insanity is still a serious incapitating mental state for most. Although not all of us are like this, I urge you to take a look before you dive into our cause. Although I'm not really one of them, people use the word "insane" much too losely to make themselves sound cool and interesting. Oh yeah. You just can't get any cooler than this.

Title: Internet Mental Health
URL: http://www.mentalhealth.com/
E-Mail: editor@mentalhealth.com

Title: mentalwellness.com
URL: http://www.mentalwellness.com
E-Mail: None

Title: Institute for Mental Health (NIMH)
URL: http://nimh.nih.gov/
E-Mail: nimhwebmaster@mail.nih.gov

Title: OCD Webserver
URL: http://www.fairlite.com/ocd/
E-Mail: webmaster@fairlite.com

Title: The Phobia List
URL: http://www.sonic.net/~fredd/phobia1.html
E-Mail: fredd@sonic.net

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